Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A New Beginning

Dear Tiphanie,

After many failed attempts at blogging, I've decided you just need to make a journal. Each entry will be in letter format, addressed to you, written by me. So, let's begin.

You have been a SAHM for officially 5 1/2 months, and you still aren't great at it. However, you made great progress yesterday by sitting around doing nothing except creating that masterpiece that you entitled "Our Schedule." Today, said schedule was implemented for the first time, and Jack started off pitching a fit because he could clearly read "Nap" on the schedule. Way to start the day with a bang! Kidding aside, the schedule has been quite awesome today. It kept you focused, on schedule, and attentive to all the needs of Jack, Sophie, and Incubating Baby. The only "suggestions" I have are to change after breakfast to "getting ready" and after craft/schoolwork to "snack time." Today has been a successful day....so far.